The Peace Contract
By Jacquikennedy9
  • Fanfiction
  • can
  • find
  • thepeacecontract
  • things
  • weird


Dear readers. (Hey, I can be formal if I want too!) I would like to welcome you to my new chaptered story. It is completely unconnected to anything else I have written, so if you never read anything by me before, you can start here... but not without a few warnings. This will be a bit dark and rather twisted. As you read the first chapters you will go 'Dark? What do you mean dark? It's slightly murky, but not DARK-dark..." But I THINK it will be, eventually. Since it's me, I still can't keep away from gags, though, so in the beginning it only borders on 'murky'. It will, as I said, also be twisted. HOW twisted I will leave up to you when the time comes. I ask for support by the way of sending every evil little plot-bunny you might have hanging around my way. Original torture-methods, tools, executions, mind games... anything really... ;o) This will also eventually be slash. (ops! there I lost half the readers...) Wait! I said eventually! You can hang in there for a while and pull out as the time comes... you will notice... I won't tell you how or when or who... let's just say that in this story no one can even spell 'consent', so... warnings for that too... Might be some het-slash too, but nothing graphic I think. Don't hold this intro against me at the end of the story-line, though... I don't know about everything that might happen yet!


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The Peace...
by Jacquikennedy9