The ITS Santa Maria is a generation ship in the truest sense-her colonial mission to the alluringly habitable TRAPPIST-1 system will span several. Her crew, though, original and descendent both, need not necessarily accept their lot to live and die between the stars. Greased elbows and palms tend to lubricate a path toward longevity. Wealth aboard Santa Maria is measured not in dollars and cents, but in Minutes and Seconds. Work, favors, and shrewdness are paid in Minutes-and Minutes are spent in Suspension. Suspension Pods are scarce, and where there is scarcity, there is competition. Which ancient vices will that competition dredge from beneath the genteel veneer of our spacefaring future? To what terrible lengths will human beings go for a breath of fresh air? Available now in digital, paperback, hardcover, and audio formats:
CHAPTER ONE: The Long Middle