Have you ever went trick and treating on a very cold halloween night? Then you finally get home, the pure comfort of the soft couch and the dim golden light shining on your gathered candy, as if egging you to dig in? To your horror, you put your hand into the basket ....AND.... the handful you grabbed slipped through your fingers like sand. You take a look into your basket and see YOUR WHOLE BASKET OF CANDY HAS TURNED TO ASH, contaminated by the givers. WELCOME TO THE CONTAMINATED MINI AWARDS, where we won't hesitate to grab that basket of ash and transform it into something more rewarding. Something more magical- A MYSTICAL SKELETON! one that for ages hasn't be found... A/N: If you're looking for some sign to enter this award, this is your sign!! rush in and secure your spot, there is currently only 11 categories left. The categories are: *Best cover *Best prologue - Best villain - Best ghost *Best vampire - Best werewolf - Best witch - Best fairy - Best scary monster *Best happy ending - Best sad ending The ones with asterisks are the ones more likely to fill up soon. So if you have that amazing book you've worked on for this moment, put it in right now and if you don't, I'm sure 10 days is more than enough to write at least three chapters or add at least 3 chapters. Judging starts November 20th, 2024.