Dragon Prince: The...
By Warriors0313
  • Fanfiction
  • avizandum
  • callum
  • dragonprince
  • ezran
  • ibis
  • jenna
  • rayla
  • runaan
  • soren
  • xadia
  • zubeia
  • zym


On a stormy night, General Amaya find a frightened young girl in the woods and brings her back to Katolis. The girl has been separated from her family, but she has been adopted by King Harrow, and has became the young Ward of the King. As Jenna grew up, she and the two princes listened to King Harrow's tales of Xadia enthralled. But Claudia scoffs at the stories of the fierce elven and draconic warriors who fought an epic battle to save all of Xadia from an evil Dark Mage. But when six Moonshadow elven assassins have arrived to the castle for the revenge of the deaths of the Dragon King and the Dragon Prince, they have found new hope in the most unlikely places. When the young girl learns that her past is much more interesting then it seems, Jenna joins the trio in their journey to stop a never ending war and bring peace to all of Xadia and the Human Kingdoms once more. But with dark forces on the move, working against them in every turn and lives on the line, will Jenna ever uncover the truth about who she is? Disclaimer: Don't worry, writing for fun and inspired by Kluvu123. I made a lot of Skywing elven hybrid stories, so I'm curious about how it feels like to be a Startouched elven hybrid story. I never really done it before.

Profile: Jenna

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Dragon Pr...
by Warriors0313