Set in 2003, the story follows a 15-year-old Joslin and her friends finding themselves stranded on a beach in Los Angeles, California, after being involved in an airplane crash on New Year's Day, resulting into Joslin being fired from her babysitting job. The kids then set off on a tropical adventure in the outskirts to find a leopard so they can take a vacation on a cruise ship and help get Joslin's job back, while the baby's embark on a mission in the outskirts of their own to find Nigel Thornberry and their parents start to get year long jobs at a beach resort. Meanwhile, Ozzy, Needing a break from fighting off germs inside Hector's body (aka the City of Hector), This takes his own vacation in Christine, which unfolds a girly chick city inside, known to its inhabitants as the City of Christine, with female cells who happen to be bigs fans of Hector and think of him as a pop star.