In a Split Second...
By IceisMiss3
  • Romance
  • adopted
  • adoption
  • belonging
  • friendship
  • photography


There are times in life when it seems almost impossible to go on. Sometimes we lose loved ones, other times we lose ourselves, and, ultimately, we lose the will to live. When Sydney Han's adopted mother passed away, a part of Sydney's being went with her. Almost seven years later, Sydney is on the verge of losing one of the only things left in life that she has to love; her job as a photographer. Her insensitive boss's mood swings are becoming too much to handle, she needs some reprieve and her best friend, Kim, knows just how to make that happen, but when a mysterious stranger comes into her life and things turn sour, Sydney is faced with a choice: does she stay, crippled by a life she's come to hate and memories that have become distorted, or does she go and live the life she's always dreamed of? The choice, one might think, is obvious, but things aren't always as they seem.


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In a Spli...
by IceisMiss3