Deaths Fate
By HolyMichaelClifford
  • Romance
  • action
  • demons
  • fate
  • grimreaper
  • harbinger
  • heartbreak
  • horror-thriller
  • love
  • magic
  • paranormal
  • romance


"You can't protect her, she has to die- either she dies or her soul dies and that is a fate worse than death." Izabol Hernandez was supposed to die at seven years old, it was apart of the plan that was set forth for her. It was written into existence by a higher power. She was apart of the domino effect and the key that would help guide every other humans life that she had encountered into their next steps. Instead of dying she was saved by the Harbinger of Death himself, he had went against the rules that were set in place and destroyed the process that they had, and in doing so he not only cost Izabol her soul but also set forth another plan that should not have been set. The Harbinger of Death- Hyun Jeok- was always quietly in the background, protecting Izabol, trying to keep her out of harms way and saving her on more than one occasion. Not realizing that he was doing more harm than good for her. He was the reason her soul was dying and why she was becoming the shell of a human that she had once been. When Izabol and the Harbinger of Death, Hyun, are thrown into each other's life; lives wracked with pain and suffering, love, hope and happiness are born. For a moment it feels like they can take on the world together as long as they have each other. Death always has a way of taking back what they were owed though, and Hyun Jeok would do anything to keep Izabol and her soul from withering away into nothing. Even if it meant that he would have to fight against the higher powers in order to keep her alive.


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Deaths Fa...
by HolyMichaelClifford