Blizzard Baby
By MichelleOwenMccully
  • Romance


It was a cold winter night and the wind was blowing,there was no one around. I was looking for a hotel to see if one was vacant and then all of a sudden it started snowing, really bad. You see I was nine months pregnant and my boyfriend and I had gotten into a big fight, he left me on the road. I had walked for what seemed like miles on that long dark winding road. I couldn't see five feet in front of me when it happened right there in the dark. I started having really bad stomach cramps. I knew it wasn't like the cramps I had been having before. I slowed down my walking. I walked until the pain was more then I could bare. Then all of a sudden I noticed there was a truck coming down the road so I flagged it down. As it stopped I said to the driver without looking at him,"I need to go to the hospital. I think I'm having my baby! He said," How far are your contractions?" I answered, " every five minutes." Just then water gushed out from between my legs. I said," I think my water just broke!" He said, "it's a good thing, I was on my home from an on call appointment. I'm a doctor. Let me get my bag and some other stuff then you can have your baby."

The Meeting Part 1

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by MichelleOwenMccully