The Charmed witch s...
By KiyasConley701
  • Fantasy
  • charmed
  • charmed1998
  • charmedones
  • ffashion
  • halliwell
  • leowyatt
  • persephonehalliwell
  • poweroffour
  • whitelighter
  • witches


"I never thought that I would become a witch, especially a charmed one with my sisters, but here am I getting chased by a demon who's my sister boyfriend. lord help my life, "said persephone. Leo Wyatt: " persephone when I met you. I thought you were beautiful with fashion and personality along with abilities to help these people from darkness." ( Persephone looks at Leo and kisses him with tears coming down her face) Persephone :" I love you, Leo." Leo:" I love love too." ( They both kiss each other, crave each other) Need an idea for a story. Here are the stories I can do for the idea. The originals The Vampire diaries True blood Charmed ( 1998 or 2018) Moesha The parkers Lucifer Supernatural Power On my block Power: ghost Power: force Bmf Full house Riverdale Good girls Ahs( American horror stories)Coven or murder house Movies Twilight Saga Fast and furious franchise ( love ya'll and visit my story

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The Charm...
by KiyasConley701