A Bhabhi's Inf...
By peckerwood591
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • arjun
  • canondivergence
  • karn
  • karn-arjun
  • karna
  • mahabharat
  • mahabharata
  • mahabharatam
  • mahabharath
  • mythology
  • suryaputrakarn
  • vrushali
  • vrushali-karna


When Karna departed to study under Parshuram, Adhirath and Radha let him go only on one condition: he leaves as a married man. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within a week of marrying his childhood friend Vrushali, Karna leaves with the promise to return to his wife in exactly a year. Vrushali, Dushala's lady-in-waiting, watches the kalapradashan with a disinterested look. Her husband had promised to be back on this exact day. Two prahars until sunset. "Jiji, look!" Dushala jostles Vrushali out of her thoughts to point to the arena. A man with a grand bow stood tall, looking the Kuru Dynasty in the eye. Vrushali couldn't help the smile grace her face. Her husband was home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This work is pure fiction and just a thought and not to hurt any religious sentiments.

Chapter 1

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A Bhabhi...
by peckerwood591