Guard My Heart
By PurplePeopleEater123
  • Romance
  • action
  • anyage
  • fast
  • fiction
  • fighting
  • firststory
  • firsttimeauthor
  • forbidden
  • foryourentertainment
  • king
  • kingsandqueens
  • love
  • lovestory
  • newauthor
  • princess
  • readplease
  • romace
  • royal
  • youngwritersprize


Princess Roxan doesn't want a relationship as her parents Queen Amber and King Darius keep trying to force her into one, her parents want her to marry a prince so one day they can rule the kingdom together, no matter how many princes come by, Roxan just isn't interested. As a new guard joins the kingdom and is assigned as a personal bodyguard for Princess Roxan she can't help but fall slightly for him, as the feelings grow over time Roxan tries to stop herself since she's convinced she doesn't want a relationship, she believes a princess shouldn't have to rule with a king but only with herself. Little does she know the guard will start to change her mind. But her parents forbid it.

Part 1

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Guard My...
by PurplePeopleEater123