The Devil and I
By CemiJade0607
  • Romance
  • adult-content
  • dark
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-
  • fantasy-romance
  • love
  • music
  • paranormal
  • possessive
  • romance
  • spicy
  • urbanfantasy


"I like looking at you," he breathed. "Looking at you is like taking a breath of fresh air. Not the polluted gas above," he waved his hand dismissively. "But fresh air, like from the garden." He stood from the chair and walked to the end of the bed and rested his hands on thick wooden frame, knuckles white from the pressure in which he grasped it. His face was near to mine, as if he were trying to breath me in. "Looking at you . . . makes me feel." Bane's Hollow is a place shrouded in mystery, where one can make wishes under the full moon by braving the cold, dark waters-a place of disappearances and drownings. In a moment of desperation and fear, thirteen-year-old Keiran McConnell wishes for her father's death. A shadowy figure emerges from the water to fulfill her wish, warning of a price to be paid. Keiran, undeterred, agrees to any terms, sealing the pact with her blood. She is granted a decade before the figure returns to restore balance. Upon returning home, she finds her father dead. The real quandary arises when Keiran learns of the grave cost of her wish.

Chapter 1: I May Be Evil-Landon Tewers

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The Devil...
by CemiJade0607