Like a time of fore...
By sheswatching
  • Short Story
  • ex
  • gay
  • heartbreak
  • idkwhatimdoing
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • odd
  • poetry
  • ramblings
  • reallife
  • wlw


This "fanfic" is more of a retelling of my previous and current situation with my ex, most of these chapters consist of lesbian misery that have been collecting dust in my notes app that I wanna share This is honestly just a whole lot of lesbian rambling that helps me get over my ex which I happen to put on this stupid website, if you find this, I hope that my situation brings comfort in your own. You aren't alone. Just as a side note, although I have been with my ex on and off for 3 years, I only have access to the poetic pieces of literature from 2023 and onwards, so unfortunately, you won't get any chapters consisting of 13 year old Banshee sobbing about how much she wanted to hold hands with her new crush however, I churn these chapters out like BUTTER so you won't have to worry too much about not having some shitty thing to read to pass the time. just as a small note; I'm putting these out into the world in chronological order, this shits been happening for 3 fucking years so my writing was pretty awful... bare with me though. I will actually be making a story eventually, I'm just too sleep deprived to even see in front of my screen.

Another poets death (11-06-2023)

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Like a ti...
by sheswatching