The Dark Edge Chron...
By bloodsword
  • Vampire
  • dark
  • edge
  • mutants
  • vampires
  • war


Born to the Night, the grim and powerful vampire Ingamon Lash is Qos Viran, Special Forces for the Clans of the Night, the ancient vampire civilization living in the shadows of the human world on the Dark Edge. Honorable and determined, he had lived a life of service to the clans and their leaders, the Council of the Night, fighting their wars and defeating their enemies. But when he is summoned back to the vampire heart land of northern Europe, he isn't welcomed as a hero. Instead, he finds himself embroiled in a conflict that could take everything from him. Including his honor, his clan and family, and his very life. Can he find out what's happening and stop it before an all out clan war ruptures the Clans of the Night and lays waste to the vampire world? Join him and discover the shocking answer behind it all!

Prologue: The Call

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The Dark...
by bloodsword