Celestial Bonds - A...
By HeadintheClouds_001
  • Fanfiction
  • anakin
  • anakinskywalker
  • angel
  • forbidden
  • forbiddenromance
  • jedi
  • kenobi
  • lightanddark
  • love
  • obi-wan
  • padawan
  • padmeamidala
  • romance
  • sith
  • starwars
  • starwarsprequels


* previously removed * In a galaxy far far away, a man in agony resides in the shackles of slavery. The very shackles he assumed broke the second he was freed from the hellish sandscape planet of Tatooine. But he assumed wrong, giving up one Master, for another more-shinier collar. He thought when he became a Jedi, he would be free, but he was wrong. His life was even more bound by the ideals planted in his head by the Jedi Masters, and later, the Emperor. He has never known freedom, not until her. Senator Evangeline Atraea Amidala, Senator of Naboo, once Queen of the lush planet. His Angel. From first glance in his childhood, his heart was stolen by her. It only beat for her. She became his freedom from the darkness that has been plaguing him. She became his home. His safety, and later, his wife. He lived for her, he breathed for her, and yet, it was not enough. Tragedy stole her from him, her death a rotten memory that plagues his nightmares. He will do anything to bring her back, anything. He swore to her many times, that nothing could separate them. Not even death. It's time he makes good on his promise. OR... In which Fate takes pity on the once- Hero with No Fear, and decides to grant him a second chance to right his wrongs and free the Galaxy from the evil Emperor's grasp. ... I hate this premise so much. I like my first one but l didn't save it, and now with Wattpad deleting it, I can't remember what it was originally, so bear with this one, please.


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by HeadintheClouds_001