There is only one rule to being a Demititan; Don't let the wrong person learn who you are. Heavenlee was a normal kid who was just obsessed with being on time. She ate lunch with her brother James and his boyfriend Lukas, and his sister Karlee. However, when she tells Karlee that the music teacher really creeps her out because of his single eye, Heavenlee learns that she is in a lot more danger than she thought, because she wasn't mortal, neither would the gods protect her entirely, because her father is a titan. As Heavenlee is learning all this; her mom, dad, and younger half siblings disappear just outside the school. Heavenlee and James only have the remainder of the semester to figure out who in the school took their family and they have to do this while keeping their true identities hidden. Will they be able to do it, or will time run out on the daughter of time?
Chapter 1- What- just- what?