Morgan is a young woman who has nearly given up on love, feeling invisible to the world around her. In desperate need of a pick me up, where else would she go but to her favorite boba tea shop? As she fumbles with her drink in an attempt to mix all the magical flavors together, her delicious distraction causes her to inadvertently collide with the front door - to which she offers an apology. Hopeful that no one witnessed this embarrassing turn of events, she looks around and lets off a quick sigh of relief... until she looked through the front door and saw, there was, in fact, a witness. A charming man, unexpectedly amused by her mishap. An intriguing mix of rudeness and charm, she is determined to uncover his name. Despite feeling invisible to others, she can't help but feel hopeful now that he's definitely seen her. New determination kicks in when she's drawn to his laughter and is determined to make him her next delicious distraction.