Who goes there? (Y/N) Lloyd was son of Kate and Carter and before his mother die and (Y/N) will carrying her legacy that he know the secret about this alien foundation for what the Norwegians found the powerful alien spaceship was stuck under the ice like million long time ago before the dinosaurs and mankind born out. Then (Y/N) was reading his mother's diary about in 1982 where the Norwegian scientists were infected by alien virus...these creatures called the 'Things' and yes....these creatures are alien virus born out from the original one that they infect humans can become assimilated in 75% that the alien virus can take over them and become something worst nightmare in this world...thanks for his mother destroy the thing and send them to the hell. Now there were more of them were came out in this world and (Y/N)'s job will terminate the Things by himself with his weapons...the only weakness to kill these creature with flamethrower and when he meet the five teens who were survivors that they are facing at those creatures for what they called 'Phantoms' but they will never know about the things out there in this world. What would they do if they can trust each others?