The word goes by that, "Love heals" I almost laugh at the thought. I don't know about others but when it comes to me, any emotion I put forward comes out strained, and if the receiver of that emotion breaks it, than it goes deeper into the dungeons my heart beholds so that it never resurfaces ever again. "Love" that word which would have sparkled fireworks in my heart in my former years of life, but now it beholds nothing but just four letters with whatsoever.... no meaning to me. And now my life holds nothing but three things, first being my father, and then second the prioritised routine for my career. Well third one will be deep inside me, and I prefer to put it that way. -Aakansha (FML) I believe in the power of women, my mother has been nothing but an exemplary in proving that to me. My mom has always taught me to respect all women and men and treat the one I love like a queen. I will be more than happy to do so, I trust that "Love heals". It is the most beautiful feeling a human being can ever experience, well with the right person of course. And it's uncontrollable about whom we get bounded to, by that bow of cupid. I will make sure my lady( whoever she is) Will be treated like a queen, just the way I have learnt from my empress (my mother).. - Rithvik (ML)