How Many People Can...
By thehaleyvee
  • Spiritual
  • ahandfull
  • appreciate
  • artistic
  • blessings
  • courageous
  • downfall
  • forgiveness
  • gratitude
  • helpful
  • hungry
  • knowing
  • pleasure
  • simple
  • thankful
  • therapeutic
  • thoughtful
  • tranquil
  • understanding
  • wisdom
  • wise


Many people will tell tales, but none of us are ready for the discussion of harmony. So when you sit down and relax your muscles from battle cries, remember that I was there with you when you sold your life. I will be there for you and I won't ever let you go. I will sing songs in your ear and I will give you hope. When I remember you, I will listen and smile. So when we die together, you know that I was there for you for a while. And we danced. And we smiled. And we made noises that kept us proud. We are the Manchester of our crimes, and yet we decided to listen to you. Thank you for bringing me to life, and making me an amazing piece of work who will never be forgotten. I love you my goddess and garden. Thank you.

Atlas Your Highness, Atlas Your King

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How Many...
by thehaleyvee