Guilty as sin
By Bambi122333
  • Fanfiction
  • cheating
  • drama
  • fallinginlove
  • fluff
  • loserboyfriend
  • movingon
  • romance
  • sexfirstfeelingsafter
  • taylorswift
  • tayvis
  • traviskelce


In 2019 durring party at the Teller's house, Taylor and Travis meet and find themselves instantly drawn to other. The only problem is Taylor happens to be in a sufacating 3 year relationship. Even so they find themselves unable to stay away from each or deny their feelings, and things become hot and heavy between them very quickly. But of course just as seems things are starting to make sense in Taylor's life, she's thrown a huge curveball and finds out real quick who's not to be trusted. However with Travis' help she decides the best course of action is not to get mad, but to get even.. because if there is one thing Taylor knows it's that there is nothing she does better then revenge.

Chapter one

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Guilty as...
by Bambi122333