AMJ females triplets
By Xoemelape
  • Adventure
  • aprilduck
  • daisyduck
  • donaldduck
  • duck
  • ducktales
  • juneduck
  • lot3c
  • mayduck
  • tlot3c


(April is a smart Duck, she like a Huey, she also a woodchuck) (I know people dislike or sorta dislike but their opinion, people's can changed May & June in a different way, but I'm going for May the same style like Louie but not in lazy way like him I mean I don't think Louie lazy I don't know how to explain better on this one & June the same style like Dewey because, June look very energetic & enjoyable in TLO3C) (May is a tomboy, she love sports, she chill just like Louie) (June is a fashionista the same as her aunt but of course she also love adventure,she like the same like Dewey) (April, May & June duck are going to fun adventure, mission & some much more, & yes there'll be Ducktales characters be in too, but not yet & other Disney characters too)

Daisy monthly females triplets

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AMJ femal...
by Xoemelape