Revenge Fantasy
By CinnPai
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • android
  • assassin
  • butterfly
  • criminal
  • identity
  • memories
  • mercenary
  • murder
  • mystery
  • past
  • psychological
  • revenge
  • scifi
  • tragedy


Kuroiwa. A known figure throughout the mercenary black market, more recently renowned as something "inevitable". As an employer, any job that he puts up is regarded as the highest demand, money not an object. As a mercenary, she carries out her own paid work with a twisted, deranged smile, boasting a terrifying and inevitable 100% success rate on all of her jobs... including the unlisted bounties and assassinations. His identity, her identity, their identity unknown. At the center of it all is a young woman named Chouko Ashford, a gifted girl left in an orphanage as a child. After a traumatizing event, she realms through the Underworld with blood coated all over her hands. Wandering a technological dystopia of androids, cybernetics, and the power and capitalism surrounding them, covering whatever tears and scars remain on her throughout these miserable years, Chouko is driven to a blind fury and an inevitable vengeance, driven by a blind fantasy to take everything away from Kuroiwa. By any means necessary.

#1 - The Adoption of Chouko

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Revenge F...
by CinnPai