Hotel De Amore
By Keeperies
  • Romance
  • adult
  • adultfiction
  • amore
  • hda
  • hotel
  • keeper
  • keeperies
  • love
  • micky
  • mickyyy
  • romance


Hotel De Amore is made for the ones who shared care, love, and adoration towards each other but above all, its upmost goal is to let people live their best life while staying in the hotel. In this hotel, they'll feel loved, will attain self-satisfaction and self-development, and they'll learn to love themselves even more. This hotel is only not applicable for the couples but also for the individuals. The hotel is already on its 199 years of existence and has few branches in Europe but it's main base is at Paris, the city of love. The hotel was made by the ancestor of the Montereal but now, the hotel was facing a problem which is who will inherit the hotel between the Montereal siblings. Alejandro Keil Montereal and Alessandro Klein Montereal isn't just twins but they are rivals, rivals in everything and fighting over the hotel is their biggest misunderstanding. They're both handling the hotel at the moment but Sandro-the older, supervised and towered everyone in the hotel even when they're not his people nor his property plus his wife is such a pain in the ass. Alejandro on the other side who's known by the nickname, Jandro, treat each and everyone else fairly and respectfully because that's one of the hotels vision, "let the people leave their best life". The feud must be over in the day of the hotel's 200th anniversary as their parents declared but because of the appearance of this young lady, Amelia Rae Gallego, everything got messed up. Would it still be a hotel full of love or a hotel full of miseries and hate?


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Hotel De...
by Keeperies