Secondhand Story
By mxtrix
  • Romance
  • mxtrix
  • secondhand
  • story


Nothing is ever original in this world. No one is truly unique. We all share traits, ideas, values, and even preferences with other people. Some people like apples, some go with oranges. Someone might like the sun, but someone else might prefer the moon. In a sense, we're all a combination of everyone we've interacted with. Your smile might be the influence of an old friend who you kept interacting with before, and the way you speak could've been influenced by your father who loves sharing jokes, or probably your style which you got from your mom who loves to keep on mashing things up. All these small things make up who we are as individuals. However, in the scheme of all this, do you bask in the shared celebration of your experience with other people? Or do you isolate yourself in your glorified individuality? We are a product of situations we've been through and people we've interacted with, combined with the overall product of our principles and views in life. Yet, how do these shared experiences lead us to the goal of embracing who we truly are, as individuals?

Opening: Second Look

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by mxtrix