You Got Power Over...
By blackrose_dfwyb
  • Fanfiction
  • choidoil
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • fluff
  • kdramas
  • kimgoeun
  • korea
  • korean
  • koreandramas
  • littlewomen
  • littlewomenkdrama
  • ohinhye
  • ohinjoo
  • ohinjooxchoidoil
  • ohinkyung
  • romance
  • wihajoon
  • wihajun


"Was it because of money?" "No." "Then why? Why did you come back again? Why did you want to protect me? Why, why, why", she hit me on the shoulders with tears forming in her eyes. "You." I simply said. I said it as if my heart wasn't beating 10 times louder than hers. With such simplicity as if I had not hesitated over it for a thousand times before. And as if I had not practiced saying it a million times. "What?" "You, it was you. All this time. Money was just an excuse. I wanted to protect you because I Love you. I wanted to be by your side and keep you safe. YOU, were the power that drove me to risk my money and my life. Just for you. Yes, I am completely in love with you, Oh In Joo Shi" I gently held the hand that was placed on my shoulder. "You got power over me In Joo Shi. So much that now, without you my heart aches. You can do whatever you want to with me. Why? because my heart already belongs to you. "


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You Got P...
by blackrose_dfwyb