| The Daughter of a...
By lover2night4now
  • Fanfiction
  • aegon
  • dragons
  • gameofthrones
  • got
  • houseofthedragon
  • targaryen


Every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin. One side greatness, the other side madness. Can you be both?The Targaryen curse can be cruel. But being born a bastard of one, was a different story. They say, "The only thing that can tear down the House of the Dragon is itself", and right they were. Don't they all go mad in the end? Queen Naerys Targaryen is the bastard daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen. She was forced to marry her cousin the now King Aegon II, the usurper. There is nothing special about a bastard. But whose side is she on? The blacks, the greens? Or is she just fighting for her own survival. She's has been seen as weak all her entire life. Vulnerable. Frail. Pathetic. All because she is a woman. You should never underestimate a woman. Definitely one who knows how to play, The Game of Thrones. TRIGGER WARNINGS: You should know them all if you're a Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon fan <3

1 | A Very Small Council

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| The Dau...
by lover2night4now