My Million Dollar S...
By Rebel_Quietly
  • General Fiction
  • action
  • drama
  • romance
  • slightracism
  • urban


Jaime had it all. The perfect family, the perfect boyfriend, the best friends a girl could ask for; so in short her life was obviously, perfect. And to her it seemed as if it was always going to stay that way. Until one day, it doesn't. With her father now in jail, and no money to her name, Jaime goes from one of the richest underage women in the US to below middle class in less than 2 days. Now in a completely new setting, Jaime has to figure out how to survive without everyone spoiling her, and maybe figure out that you don't have to be rich to be happy. But(as she found out pretty early) you also don't have to be poor to have trouble find you.

The Queen in her Kingdom

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My Millio...
by Rebel_Quietly