The Royal Guard: Ki...
By Kira1547
  • Fanfiction
  • anastasia
  • anga
  • baliyo
  • beshte
  • bunga
  • bungaxbinga
  • demons
  • flanvicia
  • fuli
  • fulixazaad
  • kion
  • kionxrani
  • kopa
  • nala
  • nirmala
  • ono
  • pestherel
  • petra
  • raelianna
  • rani
  • simba
  • surak
  • surakxnirmala
  • tlg
  • vivian


"Nonni I am Keeper of Secrets The past I remember The present I see The future I foretell During the reign of the ninth ruler of Flanvicia The King of Demons will rise again Demons will walk the land The land of Flanvicia will be scorched by fire And The people will cry for help But hope will come from the North Six heroes will rise One faster than the cheetah One stronger than the hippopotamus One braver than the honey barger One smarter than the egret One keen-sighted more than an eagle And One fiercer than the lion They will defeat the war maidens They will defeat the demon Lords They will defeat the king of Demons And they will ensure that peace will reign in Flanvicia. Nonni I am The Secrets and prophecies I shared Guard them well."


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The Royal...
by Kira1547