The Kingdom
By xDaisyAnne
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-
  • fantasy-romance
  • friendship
  • goodvsevil
  • kingdom
  • love
  • magic
  • romance
  • swordfighting
  • swordsmanship
  • trauma


In a realm where magic weaves through the very fabric of existence, The Kingdom stands as a beacon of beauty and harmony. However, after a fey girl called Faith, who can wield pure magic, takes refuge in the kingdom after her village was destroyed by a group of dark magic users known as The Archon Circle. The Archon Circle are an evil society, who are murdering Fey kind in order to harvest their blood so that they can perform dark magic. Unfortunately, the evil Faith fled from soon follows her, threatening to destroy the kingdom and its people. However, an unlikely team of heros forms, bound by fate and driven by love and courage, this group must confront the malevolent force that seeks to destroy their home and murder their friends and family. Faith has to come to grips with the true nature of her own powers, before the leader of the Archon Circle comes for her, and her blood.

Chapter 1

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The Kingd...
by xDaisyAnne