By MakeStories6
  • Romance
  • cold
  • crime
  • enemiestolovers
  • grumpy
  • hatelove
  • hateorlove
  • italian
  • knives
  • love
  • mafia
  • murder
  • russia
  • sexaul
  • toxic
  • trauma


One day,the Italians and the Russians wanted to cool off the war they were having. So in order to do that,they marry their children. Alessandro and Isabella are getting into an arranged marriage.They hate each other.But there is nothing they can do about it but accept. ISABELLA She grew up in a toxic and abusive household. Whenever she disobeyed her father's orders she would get abused.She never wanted to get married to him,and she hates him for it! ALESSANDRO He had a good life growing up. But he never wanted to get his hands dirty and be on the mafia.But now he can't stop. He wants all the world on his hand. ................... "Let me go!" I say trying to push myself off him "Who the fuck was he?" He grips harder into my arm "None of your business.Why do you even care ?" "Look bella.I brought you to this party to stay by my side,not for other guys to talk to you!" He says. His eyes pined into me. I chuckle "what are you laughing at? i don't see anything funny." "You're honestly really cute when you're jealous." I chuckle again.But that somehow seems like it makes him boil "You're right...maybe i am jealous.." He grips my neck with one hand and my waist to the other and pins me to the wall "But do you know what happens when i get jealous?" He says, leaving little kisses around my neck "I will fück you on this wall, until your legs will not work no more,capisci?"


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by MakeStories6