Feathers Of Desire...
By Middy5914
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • femalemaincharacter
  • gahoole
  • horrorromance
  • kludd
  • kluddxreader
  • legendsofthegaurdians
  • metalbeak
  • owls
  • owlsofgahool
  • pureones
  • slowburn
  • tyto
  • xreader


We call ourselves the Pure Ones. We led a crusade, our aim was to take control of all the owl kingdoms. Our methods were harsh and unyielding but nessary. What we didn't take was burnt to the ground. Those we couldn't employ was destroyed. Those who surrendered became forever earthbound. All was losses from a band of owls, who rose from the mists of the Sea of Hoolemere and from The Great Tree itself. A group of warriors, who has sworn an oath to once more make strong the weak, to mend the broken, to vanquish the evil. The Guardians of Ga'Hoole. They followed their leader, Lyze of Kiel, to meet me in a great and final battle, it was called The Battle of The Ice Claws. Both sides fought fiercely. Our's forces were greater in number and we had the advantage. As the battle continued all the Guardians' eyes turned to Lyze of Kiel. The battle was fiercely fought, both sides faced heavy losses. That's how I got my scars little one. That is why we do what we do. We will have our reckoning soon. This is a story of a princess and a soldier, who find themselves drawn to each other. As they navigate though their problems they fall in love. The novel delves into the beauty and horror of love, the power of courage, and the strength of an unbreakable bond


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by Middy5914