All For Love
By Stardust-Wonders
  • Fanfiction
  • aew
  • allelitewrestling
  • blackpoolcombatclub
  • bryandanielson
  • claudiocastagnoli
  • emisakura
  • jonmoxley
  • kipsabian
  • penelopeford
  • stugrayson
  • thedarkorder
  • wheeleryuta


Lea Castagnoli is the younger sister of the BCC's Claudio Castagnoli who is in a secret relationship with The Dark Order's Stu Grayson, so when both teams enter a rivalry both are extremely cautious not to get caught. Neither one of them want to be in the middle of the rivalry and tries to get out of it but that backfires on them both as questions arise from both sides about their relationship. They both know sooner or later they're gonna have to bring it out and even when they do, it brings out even more chaos to the rivalry and it also causes a strain on Lea and Claudio's sibling relationship. An AEW fanfic. Stu Grayson x fem! OC I only own my OC and some parts of the plot.

Chapter 1: The Debut

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All For L...
by Stardust-Wonders