Robin and the Red C...
By missivylynn
  • Fantasy
  • -romance
  • 30dcjune24
  • 8ccmay24
  • awards
  • darkmagic
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • farmlife
  • forcedproximity
  • genderbends
  • howlsmovingcastle
  • magic
  • magicalcreatures
  • romance
  • romance-friendship
  • slowburn
  • sorcery
  • steampunk
  • studioghibli
  • western
  • westernromance
  • witch
  • wizardingworld


~Welcome to Sunshine Acres.~ Home to a mysterious sorceress, her apprentice, and a shapeshifting beast. Robin, a disillusioned doctor, finds himself at Sunshine Acres while searching for his older brother Otto. Low on funds from his search, Robin agrees to be the cook and house keeper for Sunshine Acres in return for a place to stay. But will Robin be able to navigate the dangers and mystery that lie in Sunshine Acres ... and will he have what it takes to heal a sorceresses broken heart? ( Loosely a Howl's Moving Castle, Western, Gender-bend AU) ------------------------------- "I'm looking for a sorceress." "HA!" the old woman laughed, her eyes wide in amusement. "Might as well admit you're lookin' for trouble, boy." .

Robin and The Red Crow - Preface

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Robin and...
by missivylynn