The Caretaker
By Hope_of_Eldia
  • General Fiction
  • badboy
  • feminism
  • jurney
  • learning
  • life
  • parents
  • respect
  • strawberry


The story starts with a nineteen years old boy named "Eathan Smith". He's been living in a juvenile prison until he turned 18 and they let him go. Later on he got into a fight where he stabbed one of his attacker to death from self-protection, but he did not escape unscathed, therefore the prison hired him a caregiver. The boy can't stand all the "commands" they have given to him, so first he tries to hit on them, but when they refuse to please him, he complains about imaginary stories so the prison fired them. That goes like this for 1 whole year. The decree is final: He's sentenced for 4 years. One day he gets very ill, so they hired him a beginner nurse, "Bernadette Johnson", that's where the journey begins. ___________________________________________ Hey! If you reading this, i'd like to say a few words. It's my first attempt to write something slightly similar to a novel, and unfortunately English isn't my mother tonge, so I apologize for any mistakes i'll make during this interesting little thing my brain came up with. If you have anything you think would make the story a bit more enjoyable, feel free to tell me in the comment section. Anyways, Enjoy reading, and have a great day!^^ {yolo} Reminding: The story takes place in a fiction.


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The Caret...
by Hope_of_Eldia