Carme Renalie Cullen was born crying from pain and agony, and as she grew rapidly it is the only constant thing in her life. This caused most of her family to focus and dote on her more than her twin sister, Renesmee. Naturally, this caused Renesmee to grow jealous. Carme's condition comes to a surprising peak where she is forced to run away in fear of losing control and hurt someone. That is when she meets some curious vampires who live quite differently from the ones we know. This story revolves around Carme trying to turn back from a supposed immortal child to a hybrid once again. All the while the threat of the Volturi comes for her twin sister who never liked her anyway. Book 1 in the Carme Series Published: May 13, 2024 Writer: @rhaecerys #24 in breaking dawn #165 in cullen #7 in renesmee twin