Short girl kids sto...
By purpletaylorfan
  • Fantasy


Once there was a princess. She was very ugly, but she was rich. Once she went out to find a boyfriend. But no boy liked her because she was ugly. One day, an old lady came up to her and said 'I am your fairy god mother. And I will make you beautiful.' The girl was very happy now because she had a fairy god mother. The fairy god mother came up to her and said 'Bibby Bobby bitty boo, make this princess as beautiful as you!' So after the spell the girl was so pretty that when she went out looking for a boyfriend, guess what happened... She found one straight away. He was very handsome. One day, the princess and her boyfriend got married. The fairy god mother was so pleased. The end.

Short princess kid story.

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Short gir...
by purpletaylorfan