Behind Their Backs...
By ARandomAuthor1
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • action-adventure
  • actionpacked
  • adventure
  • apprentice
  • arcadiaoaks
  • arcadiaoakshigh
  • claire
  • douxie
  • fanfic
  • fictionalcharacters
  • fictionalcreatures
  • jim
  • magic
  • someromance
  • spellcasters
  • spells
  • toby
  • trollhunters
  • trolls
  • witches
  • wizards


Douxie Casperan and Victoria Reinsif used to be best friends: one an apprentice under Merlin and the other dedicated to a demigoddess patron. But that was hundreds of years ago. Now, Victoria is a student at Arcadia Oaks High, trying to live a normal life without the constant weight of her magic's responsibility on her mind. But when her classmate stumbles upon an old artifact from a world that never should've been revealed, she finds herself stuck between breaking a promise or being responsible for more deaths. With the rise of a new calling comes the return of an old friend. But will time be enough to heal the wounds left by their bad decisions? ((Based on the Trollhunter Series, seasons 1-3))

1 || I Built a Life

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Behind Th...
by ARandomAuthor1