On The Wings Of Lov...
By Novie_69
  • Teen Fiction
  • blbxb
  • gl
  • ibetyouthinkaboutme
  • novemberxnovember
  • regression
  • rockpaperscissors
  • silentsanctuary
  • theartofwaiting
  • whydidiwritethis
  • whyme
  • whynot
  • wlw


This story is dedicated for my first wlw rs. Even if it's hard to say, I was mesmerized by you. Remember our laughter over silly things? We felt unstoppable in ours. Even if others don't understand and not getting us, our bond remains strong once in a lifetime. Sometimes, we wonder why we're here, if it's fate or just chance. Maybe it's being in the right place at the right time, our paths crossing. In this story, it's more than just a tale, it's my appreciation for you. I also want to thank my family for their guidance whoever supports me through ups and downs, and my real friends for being the bridge and the backhoe in our not-so-cringe high school love story. Thank you all, may this story help you understand love better and inspire you to appreciate its depth and beauty..

Chapter 1 (dwohtbtd)

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On The Wi...
by Novie_69