"I forgive you...
By Emmi_butterfly
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • aiden
  • ashlyn
  • ben
  • bhd
  • graveyard
  • sbg
  • schollbusgraveyard
  • school
  • taylor
  • teachers
  • tyler


(Updates will be as often as I can and will at least be 2 episodes a week or day. Once I finish with all episodes I will do a male version same story, different pronouns) You are Y/N L/N a young female, who lives with her father. They had moved from Mexico to Georgia, Y/N grew up in a small town in Mexico and still remembers some of the language there. Yet she mainly speaks English as a lot of people do. It has helped a lot since moving to Georgia, ever since moving there she had been homeschooled until she turned 15 and asked her father to go to this school that was close by. She had been alone for a while, ever since moving to Georgia she had a hard time making friends and talking to people. So she shut everyone out, until she had finally gain the confidence to ask. This is where your story begins. Will you be able to survive the peligros in this town? Or will you die a gruesome death? Come find out Y/N...

First Day (1)

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"I f...
by Emmi_butterfly