Colors: The Lost &a...
By Black2408
  • Action
  • action
  • action-adventure
  • action-thriller
  • adventure
  • animals
  • anime
  • blonde
  • color
  • enchanted
  • fightforsurvival
  • fighting
  • magic
  • nature
  • simple
  • staff
  • sunshine
  • wattys2024


Imagine being in a world that you accidentally created by stepping into a factory with your friends, manifesting an entirely new ecosystem combined with your own. Now that you've imagined that, conceive the possibility of your parents having been kidnapped in this unknown and harmful world. Treacherous imagination isn't it? Well, for Orange this wasn't imagination, it was reality. Please join me in this twisting and twirling world as Orange ventures off with himself, three of his closest friends, and a pack of hope in his mind. He'll go through abysmal tasks and bitter times, but just perhaps his efforts won't be in vain. Will he and a group of downright idiotic pals be able to bring his parents in time before they're eventually killed off? Or will he fail in his attempt to save them before it is too late? Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but just know this: Finding his parents won't be the only secretive individual he'll find as he embarks on this risky, and possibly harmful, adventure! I do hope you enjoy this story.


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Colors: T...
by Black2408