He calls Me AnnMari...
By DivonnaLove
  • Teen Fiction
  • blacklove
  • manhattan
  • newyork
  • thug
  • urbanfantasy
  • urbanfiction


"Come on Marie come out the room" Miss Pam pleads outside Marie's room door. A few weeks after Patrick got sentenced she's been stuck in there in her head about everything and getting depressed. She decided she would pull herself outta bed and go find a night job to take her mind off everything. After working a while Marie meets some new friends and a few foes. She had been to the prison to visit Patrick the same week he was sentenced and he asked her to marry him. Everything seemed like it was going good and Marie offered to hold him down his whole ordeal until he finish his time and come home to be married. Outta nowhere he violently asked her not to come back and flipped the script on Marie. . He wanted to finish his time in peace and he refused to let his son or Monte see him in that predicament. Marie felt as though Patrick was once again being a selfish ass hole not thinking about anybody but himself. And he was, he was behind bars living like a king, eating well, growing dreads having them retwist and styled, his own personal cell and getting sexual visits from the better looking female correctional officers all thanks to Josè. He didn't want Marie catching on to his infidelity. After being sentenced Josè and Patrick ended up in the same prison so Patrick also got the perks once Jose finally got in contact with his connect back at home. They still pushed product and did several things inside that they had access to outside of prison. Although separated Patrick made his own connections to Jay in a different prison and even paid off officers to transfer product to where he's at but everyone lost connections with Payne. Ivy tried her best to raise star and live a normal life but now that Jose got his connections back together that's going to be a lot harder said than did. A lot of things she did will have her forever over looking her shoulder in the final book....

A new begining

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He calls...
by DivonnaLove