Rush Into Dawn
By RandallAris
  • Science Fiction
  • abilities
  • action
  • adventure
  • alien
  • aliens
  • galactic
  • interstellar
  • original
  • sciencefiction
  • scifi
  • space
  • space-opera
  • spacecraft
  • spaceopera
  • superhero


The Given are a race of beings traumatized by a past that compels them to travel the galaxy searching for populated worlds - not to invade or plunder, but to protect. As the Given are not interested in governing or interfering in worldly affairs, their protection is seemingly benevolent. But it is not optional, or free. During a mission on a strange world, the legendary Given warship commander General Alta and his son Jehz are confronted by an alien who attacks Jehz and physically transforms him. The changes confound the scientists who attempt to determine their true nature but the secretive priests that rule the Given have their own theories, as well as a vision for Jehz's future. The powers associated with Jehz's transformation eventually make their presence known and both the military and the priests begin formulating their plans to use Jehz to further their aims. Meanwhile, Jehz continues his military career while trying to develop and understand what he is evolving into. The more he learns about how the Given operate and how they came to be, however, the deeper he questions his future among them. Will Jehz turn out to be a gift from the gods as some priests believe or the agent that causes the Given's imposing empire to crumble?

Chapter 1

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Rush Into...
by RandallAris