Esme - Tale of Drea...
By Mumu8989
  • Fantasy
  • -romance
  • angel
  • bountyhunter
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fantasyadventure
  • fantasyfiction
  • highfantasy
  • magic
  • nature
  • powers
  • romance
  • romancestories
  • romantasy
  • romanticsuspense


In the world of Terradweth, where angels and humans once intermingled, Esmeralda, a young woman with powers she doesn't yet understand, finds herself thrust into the midst of an ancient conflict. Born with the ability to create life from nothing, she's pursued by unseen forces and haunted by memories that she can't remember. On the run from her past and a forced marriage, Esme stumbles upon a dangerous bounty hunter named Kaiden. But Kaiden is more than just a bounty hunter- leading a secret resistance against the tyrannical twin rulers of Viridia, who seek to harness an ancient dark power-one that threatens to plunge all of Terradweth into chaos. Kaiden believes Esme might be the key to turning the tide in the battle for not just Viridia's future, but for the survival of Terradweth itself, yet only if she can unlock her hidden powers. As the threat in Viridia grows, and her bond with Kaiden deepens, Esme must find the strength within herself to confront her destiny and save a world on the brink of extinction. Will she embrace her powers and stand against the darkness, or will she flee from the fate that has been waiting for her all along? In this tale of courage, hidden power, and destiny, join Esme as she navigates a world filled with magic, rebellion, and a choice that could change everything.


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Esme - Ta...
by Mumu8989