Destiny's Howl
By Nightshadeink
  • Werewolf
  • fantasy
  • romance
  • werewolf


In the shrouded depths of a forgotten forest, where moonlight paints shadows long and wild, lives a tale woven from the threads of exile and forbidden love. Scarlet Nightsong, a village girl tried to be killed by the villagers for her unknown birthmark, and Alexander Bloodwood, a werewolf alpha cast out for being different, are bound by destiny as dark and beautiful as the night they met. Scarlet, yearning for a life beyond the stifling confines of her village, stumbles upon a secret clearing bathed in an eerie, blood-red moon. There, she encounters Alexander, a magnificent creature with eyes that flicker blood red. Fear and fascination war within her as she realizes he is not just a man, but the alpha of a forbidden pack, banished for his appearance. Alexander, haunted by betrayal and burdened by the weight of leadership, finds solace in Scarlet's untamed spirit. She sees not the monster he fears he is, but the tortured soul beneath the fur. Their connection crackles with a forbidden electricity, a beacon of hope in a world that rejects them both. Can their love bridge the chasm between human and wolf, or will they be forever outcasts, yearning for a love that defies the laws of their worlds? This story promises a thrilling journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and love that burns brighter than the full moon. It's a tale of untamed hearts, forbidden desires, and the fight to forge a future where love transcends the boundaries of the ordinary.

Warmth in the cold woods

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by Nightshadeink