Joost Klein One Sho...
By BeauXJereP
  • Fanfiction
  • concert
  • eurovision
  • joost
  • joostklein
  • oneshots


Yes Yes baby i'm making Joost klein One Shots becouse there is literally no Joost Klein story's on here lmao and i thought lets change that! So basically Joost Klein is a guy from the Netherlands (I'm from the Netherlands aswel) I'm really fking proud to be Dutch becouse of Joost. Joost Klein is 26 years old rn (10 Nov 1997) He has been active since 2010 as a youtuber with the name Eenhoornjoost (UnicornJoost for the non-dutch people) and in 2016 he started his music carreer he released his first album "Albino'' in 2019 and rn he is literally going to represent the Netherlands for Eurovision song contest 2024! He lost both his parents at the age of 12.....sadly. I have so much respect for Joost. he has been trough some real hard times. I'm here to support him with all of my heart Love to Joost!! As some of ya'll who have readed my past story's know that English is not my best language and ofc i'm trying my best to use the words in the correct way. So to not make this to long. Enjoy the One Shots! And enjoy the Romance!

Untitled Part 1

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Joost Kle...
by BeauXJereP