Loki the Lockdown D...
By IainTheVet
  • Adventure
  • animals
  • courage
  • dogs
  • hunting
  • jeopardy
  • linguistics
  • police
  • smuggling
  • thriller
  • wildlife


There's something weird about Loki - or so humans often say. This book is not about Loki - for rather Loki is the teller of the tale. Born under lockdown - he has unusual linguistic skills which enable communication with animal and human alike. Although he can't speak human, he can understand it, and absorbs information from media and conversation like a sponge - though the nuances of language often send him off with the comical end of the stick. Smart and gauche by turn, his empathy leads him to understand the plight of other species. The more he learns, the more he comes to understand about humans and their role - and his suspicions fall upon his owner Benedict, and girlfriend Redcoat. Empathic to his core, he intervenes to protect other animals in danger, whether that be a hunted fox, a baited badger, a cow separated from her calf - or his kidnapped sister Luna. Loki will always go the extra mile to help, but his courage inexorably leads him into peril - from which his own survival is far from certain.


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Loki the...
by IainTheVet