The Reign of the Ho...
By Damienrocks118
  • Werewolf
  • action
  • dark
  • drama
  • dystopia
  • dystopian
  • gore
  • horror
  • lycanthrope
  • mature
  • mysterious
  • night
  • psychological
  • survival
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • thriller
  • werewolf
  • werewolves


The Hourglass changes us all. Unleashes the monster in us. What can we do when the monster in us is unleashed upon America? Peter Unum, a cynical and neurotic high schooler, lives a normal and somewhat healthy life. His older brother has his own rock band, his younger sister is a complete overbearing bookworm, and his crush is as dumb as a rock. So, life is pretty normal for him. Until the werewolves are unleashed upon the America. Every two months, the Lycanthrope Corporation, America's new Government, selects a large group of people to be taken away and turned into werewolves and at night unleashes them to feast on the flesh of anyone they come into contact with, an event that has become known as The Hourglass. When Peter and his friends find themselves trapped outside in their neighborhood, they must fight to survive against the flesh eating wolves or die trying.


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The Reign...
by Damienrocks118