Guardians Of The La...
By McDorey
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • adventure
  • ancientbeings
  • ancientcreatures
  • comeofage
  • destiny
  • dragons
  • epicbattles
  • epicfantasy
  • epictransformation
  • fantasy
  • guardian
  • highfantasy
  • kiss
  • love
  • magic
  • mysterious
  • mystery
  • myth
  • mythicalcreatures
  • poweroflove
  • questionsandanswers
  • romance
  • selfdiscovery
  • shadow


"In the realm of Tenria, where the skies are painted with the hues of dawn and dusk, and the land is scarred by the whispers of ancient magic, the fabric of fate is woven. Five tribes, each a thread in the tapestry of destiny, have been chosen to embark on a perilous quest. The Aerthys, masters of the winds, with wingsuits that shimmer like the sun; the Pyrope, weavers of fire, with hearts ablaze and souls afire; the Nyxoria, guardians of the shadows, with secrets hidden behind masks of mystery; the Terraka, keepers of the earth, with roots that dig deep into the ancient lore; and the Aquaria, rulers of the oceans, with tides that ebb and flow with the rhythm of the cosmos. In a world where magic is a whispered promise, and ancient prophecies slumber, waiting to be unearthed, the chosen ones must navigate treacherous landscapes, forge unlikely alliances, and confront the shadows within. For in the heart of Tenria lies the ancient pearl, a relic of the last dragon, waiting to be claimed by those brave enough to face the trials of the past. Join us, dear traveler, as we embark on a journey through the realms of Tenria, where the very fabric of reality is about to be rewritten, and the fate of a world hangs in the balance."


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by McDorey