By NoiraQuel
  • Fanfiction
  • andor
  • andorfanfiction
  • monmothmafanfiction
  • monokumathma
  • starwars
  • starwarsfanfictionfanfiction


Mon Mothma has long forgotten what calm means. For a long time, she has been playing two roles at once with perfect composure. She analyses her every move and its consequences in advance, plans her every word. If she thinks about it, she hasn't taken a breath for years in unconscious agitation. But one day, for the first time in a long time, Senator Mothma is loosing her cool blood. Her words have gone too far. Little does she know that these words are the last that will ever leave her lips in the Senate. She knows she's in trouble, but she has no idea how much trouble. Nor does she know that she must flee, that she is about to receive hospitality she would gladly miss, and that in the midst of the greatest suffering she may find something she has forgotten even exists. Takes place after the first season of Andor. (I'll be disproved by the second season in 2025! xD ) Mon Mothma x male OC I'm planning this fic to be brutal now, so there's bound to be blood. Also, it will be endlessly romantic, cute in some parts, scary in others, and it won't lack sex either. And PEW PEW, because it's STAR WARS. ^^ I love this world, but I'm not an expert, if I'm writing stupid stuff or slanting it because the story requires it (e.g. Mon Mothma here is around 30), then forgive me! :*

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by NoiraQuel